Dr. Roob Farms MX LED Light Sytem

Dr. Robb Case Study Testimonial

“Since installing PHOTOBIO LEDs, the uniformity in the plants has increased throughout our house, including thicker plant stalks. Plant health in general is much higher; having healthier plants reduces pest issues, and we have no significant issues with powdery mildew.” - Dr. Robb

Dr. Robert Flannery, a.k.a. Dr. Robb, is the founder and owner of Dr. Robb Farms, a company that provides high-quality medicinal cannabis. A well-respected grower, he holds a Ph.D. from UC Davis in Plant Biology with an emphasis in Environmental Horticulture and specific expertise in hydroponic crop optimization for cut-flower production.

A passionate grower, Dr. Robb is the first PhD in the United States with certified technical expertise in growing commercial Cannabis. In his video testimonials, he speaks enthusiastically about our full spectrum lights, highlighting that:

  • PHOTOBIO are the best lights on market for indoor growers.
  • PHOTOBIO lights run cooler than the average light on the market. They are 7 degrees Celsius cooler and have a higher efficiency rate
  • PHOTOBIO lights offer a higher intensity light, resulting in a higher quality plant and higher yield.


“When LED’s first became available for horticultural purposes,” says Dr. Robb, “we saw a big focus on red and blue lights in houses; however, Cannabis plants are a lot more complex. Having that full spectrum of light with PHOTOBIO LEDs is very powerful and more efficient in driving photosynthesis.”

PHOTOBIO LEDs Transform Plants

“We recently installed PHOTOBIO LED array lights in our indoor facility, and the results have been nothing short of remarkable. We've witnessed a significant transformation in our plants since incorporating these lights into our setup.” - Dr. Robb

What originally attracted Dr. Robb to PHOTOBIO lights is their full spectrum of light. “It can be difficult to achieve a full spectrum of light in LEDs,” he explains. “You want a fuller spectrum in any type of light you use because having that full spectrum of light is very powerful and more efficient in driving photosynthesis. The full spectrum emitted by PHOTOBIO lights is very good for the plants.”

Using what he refers to as the “nerdy way” of explaining how much light plants receive, Dr. Robb describes how the high light intensity in PHOTOBIO lights further drives more photosynthesis: “With PHOTOBIO, we’re seeing light intensity now around 1000 micromoles/meter squared second. What’s great about this is that the plants are photosynthesizing quickly, which means more light and more yield at a high quality.”

Dr Robb Farm MX
Dr Robb Farms
Dr Robb Farms TX


“One of the most impressive aspects of these LED lights is their high efficacy rating, ensuring that the light emitted is effectively utilized by the plants without causing an excessive heat load in the environment. Unlike traditional lighting sources such as HPS, which can generate excess heat and infrared radiation, the PHOTOBIOs maintain optimal conditions for photosynthesis without risking heat-related damage to the plants.” - Dr. Robb

“We still use energy from the sun to drive photosynthesis; however, the PHOTOBIO TX lights are doing a lot of the heavy lifting,” he continues. “Because it has this thin profile, we can daisy chain along our tables to allow for more sunlight penetration to the canopy. When everything is up and running in the middle of the day - it’s a summer day, windows are open and things are flowing - we’re getting high light intensity readings and seeing the positive results from that.”

Another thing that has changed for Dr. Robb and his employees? “We have to wear sunglasses more often,” he laughs.


During her treatment for cancer, Dr. Robb’s mother sought guidance on safely using medicinal Cannabis for medication. His extensive knowledge in the field and commitment to his mother's well-being led him to found Dr. Robb Farms, an indoor grow facility dedicated to clean Cannabis products: no artificial chemicals, no pesticides, and no potential health risks.

PHOTOBIO LEDs adhere to Dr. Robb’s rigorous safety standards. “Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) is around 400-700nanometers, some say even up to 750 range,” says Dr. Robb. “Once you get below the 400nm, you get into the UV range. PHOTOBIO LEDs don’t produce UV. UV can be beneficial to plants; however, we know it’s not beneficial to humans. We’re walking around the facility with these high intensity lights and think we need to worry, but we don’t have to worry. PHOTOBIO lights are safe for humans to be around because the light/full spectrum is between 400-750nanometer range.”

He also notes, “PHOTOBIO surpasses the limitations of traditional LED lights that often focus solely on red and blue spectrums. This broader spectrum, ranging from 400 to 750 nanometers, drives photosynthesis while maintaining quality and safety.”

Overall, Dr. Robb emphasizes, the quality and performance of PHOTOBIO LED array lights have been outstanding, adding that they’ve “seen a swift and positive response in our plants since their installation.”

As Dr. Robb's extensive expertise and firsthand experience illuminate, incorporating PHOTOBIO LED array lights into your indoor grow facility is a game-changer. With remarkable efficiency and minimal heat emission, PHOTOBIO LEDs exemplify a commitment to both plant health and grower success.


Dr. Roob Explains Why He Recomends PHOTOBIO LED Lights in His Growing Facility

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